Things have been stressful lately...
No need to go into detail on my "online private journal" haha but I don't write anywhere else so here it is.
Life is not all rainbows and kitty cats as much as I would like it to be and believe me I seriously try and make it just that.
I actually deleted all my social media because when life throws you curve balls and you are reading and looking at peoples pictures and they are spending spring break in Hawaii and Paris and the Bahamas and their life looks so perfect and you forget that maybe their life isn't so perfect.
And even though I know this when I see all the pictures of people seemingly living their perfect lives it makes me not count my many blessings and makes me wonder, "Why am I not in Paris for spring break? Why does my husband have to work all week? Things like that and suddenly I am having a pity party for one serving myself a healthy dose of sadness to go with it.
So for me I have to step back and remove it all and start at the basics. We are healthy, I live with the man of my dreams and he gave me these people who I love more than anything and I get to share this crazy life with them and yes things are hard right now but these people are all healthy and happy and suddenly you stop having that little pity party. I just have to focus right now on helping my family the best way I know how.
What's the saying?
If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Truer words have never been spoken.
So I keep putting on my oxygen mask first so I can help my kiddos and my sweet man. If I can't breathe then I certainly can't help them breathe.
In the meantime spring break turned out to be a blast and boy I was not expecting that.
Monday I allowed myself to be in just a rotten mood. Sometimes you have to work through stuff and I did.
I woke up on Tuesday ready to make the best of it all so little Charles and I headed to the Oakland zoo. Ella was with her girlfriend and since Charlie being the fourth child and all, probably didn't even know that a zoo exists, it was the perfect place for our date.
So hand in hand doing just what he wanted... we saw it all.
I honestly have never loved the zoo more.
It was all through Charlie's 8 year old eyes...
This is the part where the zoo worker scolded me for letting him sit on the fence. C'mon it's not like I was dangling him above the was a little harmless monkey. See him looking at us?
Wednesday was a total success at Six Flags.
I am still amusement parked out from last spring break when we had our fun at Magic Mountain but the kiddos love it and I am such a roller coaster junkie at heart it didn't take much convincing. So we met the Doxey's and Ellie came with Ella and again it exceeded all my expectations.
Maybe that is the key don't have any expectations and then nothing is a disappointment...right? Truthfully though I think it is because we talked Charles into riding Medusa and he loved it. His height barely squeaked the line but the worker probably had pity on us after she over heard me talk to Charlie for 30 minutes straight how much he was going to love it.
Heading up the first hill I had my doubts.
The poor kid was a light green color... but luckily to my roller coaster loving heart when I heard him say, "That is my favorite ride ever!"
Well it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
We went on it 3 more times back to back and I mean we ran fast and I felt like a kid again and I was laughing and panting and laughing some more until Ellie threw up because apparently she does not have the roller coaster stomach stamina that Call's are naturally born with.
Oops sorry Ellie..
Things weren't quite as funny for a moment there...
Ellie looks a little pale still ;)
This is where it gets good and I mean really good like as in great.
Like as in the ocean seems to calm my restless soul instantly.
Growing up I didn't know I needed the ocean. Land locked in Utah I just didn't know.
Now I need it's healing presence like I need air.
We stayed in Carmel Thursday and we drove home late Sunday night.
4 days on the beach and all was right with my world.
The first couple of days it was just me, Ella and Charles plus
Doxey's and Ann.
Nicholas flew in late Friday and he, Ben,Tom and John drove down to meet us.
I can't express how much fun these couple of days were.
Bonfires on the beach, runs along the ocean, bike rides into town and hours playing in the ocean.
I needed that.
I can't express how much I needed that.
This is an important picture.
This is Paris bakery and when I am here I sing to myself, "Who needs Paris anyway?" Sung in Elsa's voice to the tune of frozen, "The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway." Seriously those songs have ruined me forever.
As I was saying the best pastry on the planet lives here and it is an almond croissant and you might be thinking that that doesn't sound very good because I would of, but it happens to be the best thing that has ever happened to our planet and the best thing that has ever happened to me while I am eating it and I was sharing it for the first time with Nicholas and I was just so very happy.
Siblings together again...
Things like this happen here.
Usually I have to beg, borrow, plead and bribe to get them to let me take their picture. My generally nice people turn nasty mean when they see a camera and make ugly faces on purpose, but when we are in Carmel Charlie looks at me and says,
"Take a picture of me running fast."
I smile and I do.
My boys are competitive about everything...
When Nicholas saw this picture he thought he looked buff and so I put it here to remember how much my boys like to look buff.
I love that they love the ocean...
but no one more than my Ella
He still loves his kite...
But not his burn because he was a ding dong and would not listen to his Mama.
I begged him...I really did.
But noooo he wanted to be bronze for the ladies.
to be continued...
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