Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is fall here yet?

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

I love fall.
I love everything about it.
I can't remember if I have always loved it or because everything that is wonderful in my life happened in the fall.
Either way I get a little spring in my step when I feel it coming on.

It has been a crazy month and I am ready for all the smells and coziness that fall will surely bring.
Unfortunately mother nature is not cooperating at all.
We have had unbelievably warm weather and if my kids were not in school I would think it was summer. Therefore I took matters into my own hands and brought fall into my house. I omitted most of the Halloween fun to put up in a couple of weeks. This is fall decorating phase 1 and I have to admit... it alone has given me a serious spring in my step! :)

So any who that is all for now. I am off to finish my meatloaf dinner (don't be fooled this is no ordinary meatloaf) and german chocolate birthday cake for one of my favorite fall blessings.

I am linking up to the mantel party at The lettered cottage and fall door party at Southern hospitality. Sorry I can't figure out how to get that badge on there.


Leigh Anne said...

Very pretty and your photographs are wonderful!

Kathy said...

Don't you just love fall, the verse on fall is so true. Even leaves, bark is natures beautiful. I love the whimsy witch on the crow. Great mantel

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